Seminar: Economic Shocks and Voting Behaviour: Consequences of Economic Crises, Globalisation and Technological Change

Recent polarization of the political landscape in Europe and the success of both far-right and far-left populist parties have been quite surprising for social scientists. There are two competing paradigms that try to explain this development: Cultural backlash and economic nationalism. In this Seminar, we want discuss literature on how the latter can explain changes in voting behavior, and how the effects of economic shocks such as financial crisis, automation and globalization affect local labor markets and influence voting patterns.




Prof. Dr. Steffen Müller


Annika Backes




Introductory session (online):

April 14, 2021, 11 am - 12:30 am, via Zoom.


Presentations (via Zoom):

May 19th, 2021 (and May 20th, 2021).

Each student has to prepare a presentation on a paper similar to the ones listed below, followed by handing in a seminar paper on the same topic (max 6 pages), 6 weeks after the presentation session. 

If you have further questions about the seminar, please contact Annika Backes.

Seminar topics/ papers

  1. Acemoglu, Daron; Restrepo, Pascual (2019): Robots and Jobs: Evidence from US Labor Markets, Journal of Political Economy, online first (DOI: 10.1086/705716).

  2. Autor, H., Dorn, D., & Hanson, G. H. (2013). The China syndrome: Local labor market effects of import competition in the United States. American Economic Review103(6), 2121-68.

  3. Colantone, I., & Stanig, P. (2019). The surge of economic nationalism in Western Europe. Journal of Economic Perspectives33(4), 128-51.

  4. Dauth, W., Findeisen, S., & Suedekum, J. (2014). The rise of the East and the Far East: German labor markets and trade integration. Journal of the European Economic Association12(6), 1643-1675.

  5. Margalit, Y. (2011). Costly jobs: Trade-related layoffs, government compensation, and voting in US elections. American Political Science Review, 166-188.

Seminar Announcement 

Seminar Guidelines (tba)

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